Portland Limo Company - Blogging a limo startup

Confessions of a limo company. We are a startup and have a goal of being successful within one year. Can we make it? We think so. We have an all or nothing attitude. So watch us do very well, or implode in spectacular fashion!
Check out our limo community forums at www.limonster.com.

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Friday, January 05, 2007

Introducing a new limo company

I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Marcus Eikenberry from Portland Oregon USA. I'm in my mid 30s and I own a few successful businesses. I have a goal of opening 1 new business per year. My 2007 business is a limo service company here in Portland Oregon. My goals for this company are pretty simple. The first goal is for it to be successful. Success can be defined as a company that is profitable. It also includes being good for the community and for the companies employees.

I come from a background of online businesses dating back to 1997 and a few brick and mortar businesses dating back to about 1992. Some of them have been very successful and some of them have bombed horribly.

I will post updates often talking about the limo company. For the most part I've very willing to tell all. Many people may be shocked at the level of information I will talk about. I say this because if you wanted you'll be able to follow in my footsteps and create your own limo company. You will of course have to decide if I am successful or not.

I believe in something called coopetition. That's a made up word. Basically it can be defined as cooperating with your competition. I have done this many times and while it's bit me in the ass a few times I believe that by far I have been much more successful because of it.

So how about a little history? Why a limo business? Back in 1992 I worked for a year for Prestige Limousines here in my home town. At the same time I worked for the local transit authority. I worked for Tri-Met as a part time driver of city busses. I've always enjoyed driving large vehicles. So I guess that's the first clue. I like the challenge of driving through town with something that may be larger than the street was ever made for. While I was part time at Tri-Met I needed more income than I was making. Full time work was not available. So I dreamed up the idea of driving limos. I applied at Prestige and got the job.

I drove limos for 6 months to a year until I was let go because a customer complained that I drove like a bus driver. I can laugh about it now. But back then it really ticked me off. But it was no matter. I moved on. Soon after that I went full time driving city bus. I drove for about 5 years for the city. I really enjoyed it. But the entrepreneur in me needed something more. That's reason 2. I've opened several companies since leaving Tri-Met. I've also worked for a few companies in between. I believe though that I was born to be self employed.

Reason 3 is that I can't seem to get away from driving large vehicles. Here's my SUV for example.

So I feel like it is an easy next company for me to start. I'm comfortable with it and it excites me. I also like a challenge and I think I have one here.


Blogger bobnpdx said...

Enjoyed your post. Last year I purchased a limo for private use and we had a blast. I had quite a few friends visit over the summer. We took the limo on wine tasting tours, trips to the coast and so forth. I sold it last September because I couldnt see it sitting out in the elements all summer. Anyway, we decided to do it again this year. I just purchased a low mileaged stretch limo and was wondering is you would be interested in being hired to drive for us from time to time? Have limo, need non-drinking driver ;)


2:41 PM  

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