500 miles on one take equals "out of gas"

We did 500 miles today. Since it has 2 tanks it was not a huge deal to run one dry. You just flip over to the other tank and if you are still moving you'll have power again in about 20 seconds. Most likely we will never run into this when the limo is in service.
Tomorrow we will make it into Dallas Texas where we are meeting some of the volunteers who help in the forums on one of our video game sites. Should be fun to see them.
On another note. Something that I am finding very annoying. People fall in love with the limo as soon as they see it. It's attracting a lot of attention. I can't even fill the tank at the pump without 2 or 3 people asking if there is someone famous in the back. It was fun the first few times. But now I'm finding it to be a bit irritating as it's taking up my time when I'm working at getting on the road again. Guess I'll just have to think up something clever to tell people who ask.
Them: "Whoa! Cool limo!"
Me: "Thanks"
Them: "How much does it cost to ride in it?"
Me: "Sorry it's a private car and not for hire"
Them: "Oh? Must be someone famous inside"
Me: "Sorry can't talk about who is in the car"
Them: "Wow! This is so cool!"
Me: "Have a good day" (Hoping they will walk away)
When we have clients it will be a different story. If our clients want attention they will get it for sure. If they don't want attention. Well...... They should not choose this limo for their travel. It may be very difficult to shield customers from all the attention just because the vehicle is so unique.
It will be interesting to talk about the subject after we have had a few real experiences on both ends.
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