Transmission is finally on the way
It looks like the transmission that has been on back order is finally arriving on the 16th. Thank God. The 16th will make one month and one day that the limo has been in the shop. They expect to have the car available to me on the 23rd. So hopefully that weekend I'll be picking it up.
Sacramento Hummer contacted me and since the bill is up to $14,000 now they wanted some money. I don't blame them. So I sent them a check for $7000.
So how about I bring us up to date on how much in the hole I am. :)
Previous balance was -$56,033
Part payment to Hummer of Sacramento -$7000
Purchase 4 domain names registering them for 10 years. -$350
BOC-3 -$30
Company dinner to brainstorm for company names. -$135
Subscriptions for industry mags. -$85
New total: -$63,633
We also start our insurance on the 12th. We have to get that started or we loose our DOT application. So we will start commercially insuring the car on the 12th even though we don't have it yet. By the end of this month I might hit -80k. Fun fun.
Sacramento Hummer contacted me and since the bill is up to $14,000 now they wanted some money. I don't blame them. So I sent them a check for $7000.
So how about I bring us up to date on how much in the hole I am. :)
Previous balance was -$56,033
Part payment to Hummer of Sacramento -$7000
Purchase 4 domain names registering them for 10 years. -$350
BOC-3 -$30
Company dinner to brainstorm for company names. -$135
Subscriptions for industry mags. -$85
New total: -$63,633
We also start our insurance on the 12th. We have to get that started or we loose our DOT application. So we will start commercially insuring the car on the 12th even though we don't have it yet. By the end of this month I might hit -80k. Fun fun.
OUCH! At least when you get it back, you're going to have a practically new unit. I've been there but not on the limousine front. Keep hanging in there, dont give up on it...and get you a lincoln!
Lincoln!?! lol I'm not sure we will ever have one of those in the fleet.
But who knows. If the customers need and want them then we would get some. Currently I'm looking at 90% of the fleet being some sort of SUVs.
So far looks like a rough start. And no sign of Black numbers anytime soon.
and might I suggest a book to you. Wheels of Gold, Bill Goerl. Page 17...
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