Finally picking up the H1 from the shop
Transcribed by Kimmi Clark
Well, I have an update on the H1 Hummer limo, it’s done and we’re picking it up on Thursday. Behind me here you can see a picture here of the Hummer being worked on. This picture was actually taken when we were in Dallas, Texas when we lost our fuel switch. The H1 is finally done; there is still stuff to be repaired on which we will have to get to. We will take care of the damage once it gets back. The damage isn’t quite as bad as I thought it would be. In total the damage it’s over 12k so I’m only going to have to pay out another 5k when I pick it up instead of the anticipated 7k.
We’re going to take it up from Sacramento where it’s currently at right now. We plan to then drive over to SF and hopefully meet up with some friends of mine over there who are developers over at who are currently working on the Ultima Online game. We want to take them all out to lunch but we’ll see and then we’re heading up the coast towards Oregon.
Hopefully we don’t have any more issues. I will take the camera with me and we’ll work on getting videos uploaded from our trip and maybe just show some fun stuff. Hopefully it won’t be stuff “Here I am broke down at the mechanics again.” We’ll gross our fingers.
Anyways I also wanted to mention John Husting. I wanted to mention him because I paid him $9.00 today for mentioning how many “uhms” I had in my previous video. Just so you know I’m paying out $1 per unintentional “uhm” because I am trying to break myself of this habit and the more expensive it is the harder I’ll work at breaking it. He counted my “uhs” and my “uhms” but I am working on them one at a time. Let’s get rid of the “uhms” and I’ll hit the “uhs”. If anyone is watching this and future videos for every “uhm” I am paying a buck for each one. If you’re the first to email me and tell me about it I will pay out as long as you’re correct.
Take care, that’s all for today
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