Portland Limo Company - Blogging a limo startup

Confessions of a limo company. We are a startup and have a goal of being successful within one year. Can we make it? We think so. We have an all or nothing attitude. So watch us do very well, or implode in spectacular fashion!
Check out our limo community forums at www.limonster.com.

Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Crappy limo service

Is it wrong of me to complain about the condition of the car and the service?


Blogger Unknown said...

Well heres my two cents from someone who runs a company in operation. Your coming at this company as a critic which can be good. BUT they must be doing something correct. You paid their nominal fee, for a nominal car. My 120" Lincolns rent for close to what you rented that excursion for. You always get what you pay for and this company is currently "open" and taking runs, which you have yet to do. I bet you this operator has very nice profit margins because he runs in moderation. Knowing your clients makes you money. Being the biggest badass on the block, with the most expensive limos usually does not work. Thats how they make it back to the bank.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Signature Limousine said...

Amen Brother

9:11 PM  
Blogger WhatAJoke said...

ARE YOU STUPID???????? Please tell me yes as this would help explain your blog. Obviously you are new to this business as it works alot on "you scratch my back I'll scratch yours". You are going to have a VERY ITCHY BACK!! To dog a very well known company with PETTY COMPLAINTS is obsurd. Your complaint about a "cosmetic" issue with the interior light is PATHETIC to say the least. Tell me please where in the blankey blank would you have drop you big butt off in fron of a business that is still under MAJOR construction with a limousine without running into issues with parking or dropping off availability??? The first thing a smart driver thinks about is NOT GETTING INTO A SITUATION THAT COULD POSSIBLY CAUSE AN ACCIDENT. Why would you pick such a place and take a limo to it? I respect the drivers decision in making you walk a bit. Tell me was it good exercise for you, you look like you could use it. Did you explain about the difficult parking issues at the pick up? Obviously not or there would not have been one. You need to do your part as a consumer as well. This looks like an intentional set-up to try and screw your competition. Looks like you are the one smelling like the skunk here.

12:48 AM  
Blogger Markee Dragon said...

I got a call tonight from the owner of the limo company. He saw the video and wanted to let me know that whatajoke is not him.

We talked for about 30 minutes. He's a bit upset that someone sent him an email with a link to the blog stating that they would want to know if someone was slamming their company. I can only assume that they know him personally. But just in case the description could have been Googled to find then I have removed the quote.

whatajoke, You say that I am dogging a very well known company. I did not say what company it was though as I'm relating my experiences and not intending to do harm. Was it the quote that led you to know what company it was? Or is there something else? If there is something else let me know in private so that I can alter it.

Also, As for trying to screw the competition. That is not what this blog / vlog is about. This blog is about relating my experiences. It's not in any way about doing harm to another operator. If it were I would have named the company and that was not something that was done.

7:34 PM  
Blogger whatajoke1 said...

HA!!! First of all I DO NOT own a limousine company. I happen to be a lead partner of a major corporation who happens to rent limos from several different companies throughout our 20 years in existence. I respect many of the different limousine and town car companies that are out there. Many whom I have rented from and many still whom I'm yet to rent from. I do get sick and tired of people like you who use the internet to babble (especially when they later recant most of what they say) about issues that are PETTY.
1. YOU WILL SOON FIND OUT WEAR AND TEAR COMES WITH OWNING ANY VEHICLE. ESPECIALLY ONE YOU RENT OUT. Is your personal vehicle still in showroom condition?? Probably not. Your expectations are set too high if you plan to make it in this type of business and keep your vehicles looking new.
A light trim.............PLEASE
2. I would be pissed off as a consumer if you took up my expensive time that I have worked my hard earned money for to listen to you babble about the controls. I will ask if there is something I need to know about. And as a consumer I take that reposnsibility and ask questions. So lets knock the driver because you were too, lets say absent minded, to ASK how to use the controls. Lets see On/Off...Stop/Play...Hot/Cold...AM/FM...Hummmm If I can't figure it out myself I ASK!!!! PETTY PETTY PETTY.

You are the type of person that rants and raves about competition just to make yourself look good. I started my company with $1500.00 and ALOT of motivation to get it to where it is now. If I had listened to "people" like you I would not have made it. I LOVE to defend the hard working middle-class people of this generation. They are the ones that make it affordable for everyone to enjoy the luxuries of the wealthy. Yes, I do still clip coupons and love to find a good deal every now and then. No silver spoon here, as I am sure the company that you criticize did not have one either. I hope the company you hippocritically commented on didn't even read such a PETTY report of their services.
By the way I do not identify the car I identify the situation. I hope by me sharing MY OPINION and being honest doesn't put anybody in an awkward position, atleast not anymore awkward than what you already put them in.
By the way....I believe my opinion about you walking to the pick-up point was right on, and that is MY OPINION. You have your opinion and I have mine. You open the flood gates when you start posting crap like this and I am more than happy to reply.
P.S. Why would you get into such an "eye-catching" type of business if you did not like to show off your vehicles???? You are annoyed by people constantly looking at your car and wanting to looking inside. I do not understand this. I would hate to rent from a company that doesn't have enough pride in their vehicle that they do not want to "show it off", especially if I was riding in it. And this is coming from your "500 mile on one take equals out of gas" post. YOU HIPPOCRITE

10:05 PM  

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